Looking Ahead: What PCC Plan or Intend to do in the Future For the Betterment of the Community We Serve and for our Institution.

FSM Supporting Programs and Projects That PCC undertake in Fiscal Year 2018.
FSM National Government provided grant subsidy in the amount of $50,000 to support programs and projects that PCC will undertake in Fiscal Year 2018. Project Control Document (PCD) for the use of this fund is being finalized for review and approval of the FSM Secretary of Resources and Development, the sub-allotee of this fund on behalf of the President of FSM.
Expenditure of FY18 funds will be made in accordance with the Work Plan and Budget as attached to the 2018 PCD and will be reflected in the Fiscal Year 2018 Report and the Annual Report 2018 that will follow.
Pohnpei Chamber of Commerce looks toward:
Successful achievement of PCC capacity building and organizational strengthening. This include public awareness of role of PCC membership and expanding membership base by recruitment of new members

Revision of membership fee by establishing categories of businesses, fees, and voting rights for the categories.

Creating Members’ Benefits as a way to attract membership. The broader the membership base, the more the Chamber can provide members’ benefits which will be supported by membership fees. Refer to sets of proposed benefits shown under Section 2 – Governance – that the Chamber will strive to provide to the extend financially possible.

PCC staff (ED) receiving training to effectively carry of duties and responsibilities necessary for achievement of PCC goals and objectives.

More inclusive participation in policy making at all levels of government. This requires official endorsement of PCC as the official focal point at State level. It also extends to having PCC representative on state government policy making boards, commissions, etc. and to be part of State official delegations to SNLC and  primary mission is to provide the industry with quality solutions for whatever we do. We have developed a unique whatever we do improvement program approach designed to improve outcomes for both clients and members. To achieve that goal, we work closely with each client to better understand the unique challenges involved for their unique project.

• PCC to become a recognized member of Pohnpei State Trade Facilitation Committee (STFC).

• PCC to be provided an office space in the Pohnpei SBDC to link PCC to SBDC educational programs.

• Supporting development of FSM Private Sector Development Program Policy Framework to guide all private sector programs and projects to be undertaken by the private sector.

• Assistance in the development of Pohnpei Women In Business to engage in household farming to support food security
 program in Pohnpei. PCC will be partnering with the Island Food Community of Pohnpei and FSM Development Bank.

• Conducting Outreach Awareness Program for small business development in the rural communities in collaboration with
Department of Resources and Development and the Local Chief Executives.

• Promoting coconut and breadfruit as the State/National primary commodity crops for food security and revenue generation. These two crops are grown all across FSM and many export products can be made from them.